Pinpointing Promising Opportunities in IoT

A notable share of IT companies expects to generate revenues from the Internet of Things (IoT) within two years—if they’re not already doing so, according to a recent report from CompTIA. Executives from more than 380 U.S. IT companies took part in the study, “Sizing Up the Internet of Things,” which pinpoints where the most promising sales opportunities exist. Industry execs can find encouragement in growth projections: The number of connected devices is forecast to exceed 50 billion by 2020, up from 16 billion at the end of last year. While IoT is not exactly a new concept—the term goes back to 1999, as first attributed to MIT—rapid tech changes of late are accelerating its progression. “Advancements in a number of areas over the past decade have laid the groundwork for the steepening IoT growth curve,” reads the report. “The dramatic rise in computing power and storage capacity offered at even-lower prices, coupled with the miniaturization of sensors and chips, robust wireless networks, IPv6 and a software-defined world … make this iteration of [IoT] different than prior eras.” Channel Insider examines key takeaways from the study. – See more.

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